Book Review: Wildfire by Hannah Grace

***May contain spoilers***

***Scroll to the bottom for my rating****

Wildfire by Hannah Grace is the second book in the Maple Hills Series, and it did not disappoint. I’ve been wanting to read this one for a while after finishing Icebreaker earlier in the year, but I thought it would be best read and enjoyed during the summer. 

I was not able to devour this one the same way I devoured Icebreaker, but I was pretty close. With an extremely busy schedule, it’s been hard to read for hours on end lately, which is why I’ve picked audiobooks back up again.

I’ve been making a point to have both the physical and audiobook available if I choose to listen to the audiobook. When I am winding down and have the ability, I can also read it physically, which is what I did with this one.

This story was sweet and fun. The take on summertime romance as sleepaway counselors was different and interesting. I’ve seen movies and TV shows with the trope, but I think this was my first experience with it in a book. I thoroughly enjoyed the found family and comradery among the counselors. As well as the growth of the main characters, Aurora and Russ, throughout the book. 

Hannah Grace knows how to write flirty and sexy scenes but also knows when to get serious and add the right elements of realness. Both main characters came with a lot of baggage, yet they handled it all with an increased amount of dignity and grace. I felt for them throughout the book and hoped they could reconcile with the proper parties. 

Although this one was entertaining and made me laugh a ton, I didn’t enjoy it as much as Icebreaker. Even with the elements that added an adult essence to the story (e.g., their family issues and trauma), I couldn’t get past the feeling that this book was a little too young for me. Maybe because I’ve been out of college for a few years, and it is getting harder to relate to characters still in that demographic? I often felt disconnected from the story. 

It was still a great and entertaining book that I am happy I read, I just felt it wasn’t as much for me anymore. That aside, I would certainly read another book by Hannah Grace and hope to soon. 

Overall, the humor, spice, and character development helped elevate this story, so I am rating Wildfire 4 out of 5 stars with a 3.5 for spice. 

As always, thanks for reading! 💜

Stars: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️.5