Book Review: The Hartigans Series, Books 1-3, by Avery Flynn

As a commuter, I listen to a lot of audiobooks. That said, I decided to add to my reviews by discussing the ones I finish. Romance is typically my go-to when choosing a new audiobook, and I frequently get sucked into a series. My latest obsession has been anything by Avery Flynn. Her spicy romantic comedies keep me giggling, blushing, or dropping my jaw. I’m sure anyone looking in their rearview mirror during traffic thinks I’m insane. 

I recently completed Flynn’s, The Hartigans Series: Butterface, Muffin Top, and Tomboy. Flynn has a variety of titles that overlap in family lines, location, and friend groups. These three take place in the world of Harbor City and are centered on three of the Hartigan siblings, with the last giving a preview into her Ice Knights series. 

I really enjoyed this series as its female main characters were more on the unconventional side. The representation of women who don’t have the prettiest face, have more curves than the average woman, and don’t dress to impress was refreshing. It’s a great reminder that anyone and everyone is capable of finding their perfect match. 


Butterface by Avery Flynn

The Hartigans Series, Book 1

Butterface by Avery Flynn focuses on Gina Luca and Ford Hartigan. The private wedding coordinator and the handsome police officer. When the pranks and bullying from high school resurface at the hands of the Waterbury police force, they force the rule-following Ford to publicly kiss Gina on a wedding kiss cam. Although Ford was hardly deterred from Gina’s face as most everyone else seemed to be, Gina still felt embarrassingly overwhelmed by the moment. In an attempt to escape from the glances and comments she receives, Gina throws herself into her business and Victorian home renovations. 

When an unexpected discovery brings the Waterbury police force to her home, Ford uses the opportunity to get closer to her. With an okay from the Captain, Ford crashes on her couch throughout the investigation while attempting to get answers about another high-priority case.

Turning an unwanted situation into a useful one, Gina puts Ford to work, forcing him to help her with renovations. With each day, they get closer, and she begins to fall for him, that is, until she finds out the real reason why he’s stuck around so long. 

However, several details are missing from the equation when Gina throws him out, forcing Ford to leave with his tail between his legs and his heart broken in two. Torn between fighting for the woman he loves and busting the case he’s been on the task force for since his start in the police department leaves him utterly confused. 

But with crazy family involvement, an obligatory Wednesday night paint and sip, and a kickass group of best friends, the two find their way back to one another. This was an enjoyable first look into the series, with steamy scenes and laughable moments interspersed. Although, out of the stories in the series, I felt Butterface was the most cliche of the three and harped an extreme amount on the distaste other’s had for Gina too much, causing me to rate this story 3 out of 5 stars.

Star Rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️ | Spice Rating 🌶️🌶️


Muffin Top by Avery Flynn

The Hartigans Series, Book 2

Muffin Top by Avery Flynn brings back Gina’s shoulder to cry on from Butterface, her curvy PR crisis-managing best friend Lucy Kavanaugh, and Ford’s older brother Frankie Hartigan. Frankie comes to the rescue on more than one occasion to defend Lucy against the men and women who bully her for her size. When forced to take three weeks of unplanned vacation, Frankie invites himself on a drive halfway across the country to accompany Lucy to her high school reunion. Facing her high school nemesis upon arrival, Lucy throws herself and Frankie into the reunion decathlon. Competing together in various events to win the alumni king and queen, Frankie and Lucy cannot deny the laughs, smiles, and sexual frustration forming between them. 

With the return to their hometown, away from the fun and privacy of reuinionville, Lucy pushes away Frankie in the belief that he only wanted her when no one else could see them together. But quickly, Lucy becomes all too aware that her greatest enemy in life is herself. Nearly losing the man she falls in love with due to her insecurities brings to light the hurt one can do to themself. It takes personal healing, her kickass group of girlfriends, and some interesting advice from her sex therapist dad, to snap her back into place. 

However, Lucy is not the only one to overcome inner turmoil in this book. Frankie, too was dealing with the harsh truth of how women truly perceive him. He’s known as a player, a man that likely wouldn’t stick around. Wanting to change that, he placed himself on a sex ban, hoping his “lack” of attraction toward Lucy would keep him thinking straight on their trip away from home. Only it made him look at Lucy for who she is on the inside, causing him to fall in love with the entire package.

Overall, Flynn builds a great dynamic in Muffin Top, creating a world of insecurities with learning, understanding, and healing for both parties. Not only does this story give any girl with an insecurity about her body hope, but it also solidifies the notion that women are more than their bodies. Due to my personal struggles with body image, I felt empowered by the badassery that is Lucy Kavanaugh in Muffin Top. It was sexy, it was funny, and honestly, it was enlightening. I have few complaints about this title, and none are strong enough to be worth noting, which is why I’ve rated Muffin Top 4 out of 5 stars. 

Star Rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ | Spice Rating 🌶️🌶️🌶️


Tomboy by Avery Flynn

The Hartigans Series, Book 3

In Tomboy by Avery Flynn, we take a break from the brothers and get a look at one of the Hartigan sisters, Fallon, and Harbor City’s most hated Ice Knights player, Zach Blackburn. 

From Muffin Top, Lucy returns with a PR crisis calling up her favorite nurse, Fallon, to do her a favor. Her biggest client, Zach Blackburn, is ill, and Lucy is nowhere near home to help take care of him. Banking on her relationship with her friend, it is no surprise that Fallon agrees to help care for Zach. 

With crazy superstitions and unavoidable paparazzi Fallon is quickly renamed Lady Luck. Because her skills not only heal Zach’s stomach bug but also end his losing streak on the ice. 

Although the two attempt to remain avoidant, a theme proven unsuccessful in the two previous books, they can’t help but fall into bed together to “get it out of their systems.” Not wanting to succumb to their feelings, a mutually beneficial deal is struck to keep them in one another’s lives. 

In order for Fallon to attend home games and call Zach each time before an away game as his lucky charm, Zach must attend a few fundraising events at the free health clinic. Signing autographs and taking pictures with fans to raise money for the services Fallon hopes to provide to those in need at the clinic. 

With Fallon taking criticism from fans and social media alike about her appearance, she finds it hard to believe Zach could develop any feelings for her, especially given the difference between her and the million other girls jumping at his skates. Meanwhile, Zach has developed feelings but wants to uphold his tough guy exterior, not before slipping and sharing his biggest secret with Fallon. He pushes her and his teammates away in an effort to remain “hard” but soon realizes how miserable all the avoidance has made him. 

With the past coming to ruin his career, friends he didn’t realize he had, coming to his aid, and a girl who spends all her available time helping those in need, whether paid or unpaid, Zach’s world is turned upside down. 

With several bumps in the road, miscommunications, disagreements, and heat between the sheets, this title has to be the most detailed and well-developed of the three Hartigan stories. I was entertained throughout and felt that this story had fewer cliches than the previous ones while tackling important topics like harassment, insecurities, and accepting the truth. This love story was definitely not a slow burn, and it had me listening even when I was no longer on my commute. I liked this story best out of the three and am looking forward to beginning Flynn’s Ice Knights series to see what else she has in store for the remaining hockey players. Four stars. 

Star Rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ | Spice Rating 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️


Considering that I listened to all three of these titles on Audible, it is only fair to also review the performances. In all three, the FMCs are narrated by Savannah Peachwood and the MMCs by Brian Pallino. Both performances were enjoyable, especially with their attempt at different voices for the elderly, authority figures, and distinguishable characters. It would really set the scene. I preferred Savannah’s performance a bit more over Brain's as I found that Savannah’s reading always remained enthused and upbeat/would fit the tone of the reading 100% of the time. In contrast, although Brian was voice acting, he remained a bit monotone throughout. Overall, I think both readers did a great job, and I would not turn away if they narrated anything else in my future Audible endeavors. 


I hope you enjoyed these reviews, and please let me know if you decide to read any of these titles! As always, thanks for reading.

PS You don’t need to read these stories in their written order to understand the plot.